by webbouwer | Mar 29, 2023 | Blog
Hard refresh in browser load webpage without cached data how? many people ask, this info to perform the browser hard refresh. Keyboard shortcuts to perform hard refresh in browser to refresh cached data in browser: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for Windows: Press Ctrl+F5...
by webbouwer | Feb 14, 2023 | Blog
Working with the DIVI theme is very productive. Many things can be adjusted, tuned and shaped in the template we like. A very nice feature is the option to use divider schape in backgrounds of sections and columns. With a nice set of different shapes, fitting on top...
by webbouwer | Sep 16, 2021 | Blog, Uncategorized
While creating a special theme for a website usoing custom post types with a lot of media attachted it was needed to display pdf-files directly on the browser screen with html, css and javascript creating a custom overlay. I found different options and wanted to keep...
by webbouwer | Apr 23, 2021 | Blog
For detailed data and design in your wordpress website a very nasty problem might be the upload of specific file types. In this post i share a few solutions i used to overcome these problems. The first and most common problem i encountered was the upload of font type...
by webbouwer | Nov 20, 2020 | Blog
In this article a growing collection of notes and codes to keep track of visual background options, bg effects and interactive video tactics for future websites. Since last summer i am experimenting with streaming video in plain Javascript. The little amount of code...