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Email, Calendar and Contacts hosting

Some notes on fixing the calendar and contacts along with the email account on local machines or devices. Because many clients have problems connecting with the new Microsoft 365 system, for hosting the dns settings are important;:...

Surveys and Questions

A post about surveys tools, online and self hosted to examine for further use. WordPress plugins; NgSurvey – Powerful, feature rich self-hosted surveys Quiz And Survey Master – Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Plugin for...

Multi language WordPress

A collection of most common Language and Translation plugins for WordPress. For translations on oneside and actual language used on the frontend there are different bridges to take. Not all content is easy to translate or mimic in another languages without touching...

Embed PDF Viewer in WordPress

While creating a special theme for a website usoing custom post types with a lot of media attachted it was needed to display pdf-files directly on the browser screen with html, css and javascript creating a custom overlay. I found different options and wanted to keep...

Mime types

For detailed data and design in your wordpress website a very nasty problem might be the upload of specific file types. In this post i share a few solutions i used to overcome these problems. The first and most common problem i encountered was the upload of font type...