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Most used WordPress plugins

Here’s an short introduction to my collection of Most-used-plugins in my WordPress site building career and there are several white-space separated machine version files in this repo to enable code to request a specific bundle. Here’s the index of the...

Bg image, video and paralax effects

In this article some premature notes and codes to become a collection of visual background options and interactive effect tactics for websites. The basic background-images for an html-element in css background-image: url( ‘imagename.ext’ ); and for video...

Mouse cursor direction movement and mousetrailer

Recently i challenged myself again to do something cool for one of my webdesign clients. This post updates follows the progress of experiment. As a pro in webdevelopment in the past 15 years i learned everthing is possible if we can make time to prepare creative...

Hello, meet the webbouwer

Dear reader, welcome my new blog site! This website is an example website created by me, CP Müller aka de Webbouwer, to collect and display the trades of wordpress usage, design and development. As a webbouwer i am experienced in building websites and applications...