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Shop and Pay: WP Ecommerce

Important for every commercial website owner, an overview of most used shop and payments services. plugins and tools. Ecommerce plugins The largest and most widely used ecommerce plugin for WordPress is WooCommerce which comes with a large amount of extensions; Ajax...
Werk Slimmer Niet harder

Werk Slimmer Niet harder

In opdracht van Werk Slimmer Niet Harder heeft Webdesign Den Haag het de presentatie website gerealiseerd. De opdrachtgever wilde een plek op het internet met een compleet overzicht van cursus aanbod in eigen stijl. Website Het aanbod...

WordPress LMS, E-learning and online education

An article about creating E-learning, online education and course materials with WordPress. To provide clients with background information and to have an insight in the technical and branding options, this post examines a large amount of LMS options for WordPress. To...

Bg image, live video and paralax effects

In this article a growing collection of notes and codes to keep track of visual background options, bg effects and interactive video tactics for future websites. Since last summer i am experimenting with streaming video in plain Javascript. The little amount of code...

What the hack is it doing?

1. Phishing One of the most insidious techniques used today is Phishing.It’s hard to find the person that doesn’t know what phishing is. However a lot of users are still getting tricked by hackers on a daily basis.Phishing implies the replication of the website with...

Customize WordPress DIVI navigation menu

A hands-on list of links and code to customize WordPress Divi Theme navigation menu’s. Code is used in Divi child theme files or in the Divi-theme code boxes. Base menu adjustments 3 Beautiful CSS Hover Effects You Can Add to Your Divi Menus...

Most used WordPress plugins

Here’s an short introduction to my collection of Most-used-plugins in my WordPress site building career and there are several white-space separated machine version files in this repo to enable code to request a specific bundle. Here’s the index of the...

Bg image, video and paralax effects

In this article some premature notes and codes to become a collection of visual background options and interactive effect tactics for websites. The basic background-images for an html-element in css background-image: url( ‘imagename.ext’ ); and for video...